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Thoughts & Inspiration

Wow. It’s crazy to think back to when I first began the college searching process. My plan was always just to head straight to school, going on a gap year never even crossed my mind. I knew that finding a place where I could grow in my faith and have a community to support me in it was extremely important. I applied to colleges where I knew that this need could be fulfilled and had narrowed it down to two schools when the World Race first popped up on my Facebook page. Sounds crazy, believe me I know, but it was persistent and I felt this constant tugging at my heart. I just couldn’t ignore it or forget about it so I began praying about it with my family and then decided to apply.

Going through the application process and really being able to reflect on my life right now was really refreshing. It allowed me to take a step back from all the college stuff and realize exactly what it is that I first set out in search of when I began the college process. After about a week or so I turned in my application and didn’t really know what to think of it. Doubt and fear started rolling in and I felt confused and frustrated more than anything. I doubted whether this was really something that I was being called to or if it was just my senioritis and wanderlust spirit kicking in. I also began to think about going on the World Race 11/11 (a program for 11 months to 11 countries) after college, instead.

But I continued on in the process and two weeks later, I got the opportunity to interview and ask questions which affirmed for me that if I were to go, it would be now. I got accepted a day later, but was still extremely hesitant and unsure. I wanted to wait until I went to visit Whitworth, (one of the two schools I had narrowed it down to) two weekends later before I made a decision about World Race. But, God of course had different plans and so the next weekend I spent listening to some pretty amazing speakers talk about identity, purpose and calling. I knew that their words were the assurance and confirmation to go. So, I came home and decided to commit to going on the World Race. This was a huge leap for me, but I was ready to do it. 

But then, I traveled to Spokane, WA for a weekend to visit Whitworth. The whole weekend I spent there, I felt so torn. I spent time with friends from Boulder who now attend the school. I saw how easy it would be for me to just jump into college, just like I had always planned. I wanted so badly to be able to go to school now. Again though, God showed himself to me and assured me that World Race is where I am being called right now. My fears and questions were put to rest while I was sitting in chapel and I heard the phrase that I had been saying to my parents about this trip from day one. “He is first, others are second, and I am third.”

I really do believe that this is where I am intended to be. He has shown me time and time again of His faithfulness. While trying to understand exactly where and what I am called to has been a challenge and has tested me in many ways, I have come to learn within these last two months that God works in mysterious ways (yes, even with things that just keep popping up on Facebook!) and His plans for us are so much greater than we could ever imagine.

So, these are some words that I want to share and also leave you with. They have given me a lot of comfort, assurance and peace about the things that I am still fearful of in this next step (all from speakers that I heard a few weekends ago!).

  • God makes us mighty because He is mighty

  • We are called to learn it, live it and teach it

  • A life with and through Christ is better (not easy, but better)

September of 2018, I will launch with my squad and begin the Race. I will be living in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Nicaragua and Costa Rica serving in many different ways. I could not be more excited for this next big step in my life and am so beyond excited to be able to share it with you too! I hope that this might be a place for you to learn, process, contemplate and grow, just as it will be that very place for me.

He is so good!


6 responses to “My Next Journey”

  1. Hi Elena! I love your post! I relate to it a lot, because college was always the most obvious option for me too. I also was really hesitant and doubtful that it was really God calling me to go and not just me wanting to. But I’m sooo glad that He has! I’m so super excited to meet you!

  2. Steve and I are SO proud of you and being brave to live out life through Christ where many have turned away and live of the world. We will continuously pray for you, your safety, and that you are constantly revealed His plan!! We love you!

  3. Congratulations Elena, what an inspiring story and journey you are about to embark on. I wish this had been an opportunity for Ryan as I’m sure he would have jumped at the opportunity!

  4. I am so proud of you and how patiently you waited and listened for His voice. DANG gal! I am so excited for you and can’t wait to keep reading your stories!

  5. Elena, I remember going to elementary school with you and your kindness hasn’t changed! This is such a beautiful opportunity and I’m so excited you’ve decided to listen and trust in God! I traveled to Spain and France this past summer and it was an absolutely life changing experience. I know you will do great things and I know God will lead you in the right direction!

  6. So so proud of you Elena! Since you were my little sister on mission trip I saw such a sweet light in you and knew you were going to go great great place. I am so excited for this upcoming journey for you and it’s so awesome that you listened to your calling. Rock on!