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Society teaches us that we shouldn’t believe blindly in things. Instead, we should believe in fact and things that are tangible. There should always be proof. Because of this, we are constantly caught up in how we can prove ourselves to the world. My friends and family always jokingly say, “if we don’t take a picture to post, did it really happen?” Sure it’s said with a humorous tone and laughter always follows it, but I think that this statement also holds a lot of truth. It seem to have become a sort of reality. A photo is tangible evidence that we did or saw something and because of it, people can believe us. We seek ways to prove ourselves to others just as we expect proof in order to believe and trust someone else. Trust is hard to come by, and it is especially hard to give.

Faith was always a hard concept for me growing up because I wanted hard evidence. My whole life I wanted God to give me signs. I wanted Him to prove Himself to me in big ways. I wanted Him to prove His existence, His grace, His forgiveness, His love. I was constantly searching for these big moments that were evidence of all these things. Because of this, I really struggled with believing there was a God. When I did feel like He was there, then I often became frustrated that He wouldn’t show Himself to me in the exact ways that I wanted Him to. But that’s the funny thing, isn’t it? God doesn’t show Himself in the ways that we desire. He reveals Himself in ways that are often unexpected and in ways that we often consider as small or insignificant.

This last month has taught me a lot about this very thing. God tends to work in and through the short interactions we have with people everyday, a song that comes on the radio, or the sunlight shining on the mountains. He of course also shows up in grand and evident ways, but these ways are so grand because they don’t always happen that often. Instead, He shows up every single day through simple things. We just have to be more attentive to the simple ways in which He reveals Himself. I am learning that we have to seek Him everyday and be intentional about it. We don’t really see Him unless we seek Him. It’s often in the simplest of ways, but He shows up.

So, I wanted to share some of the big ways He has shown up for me, especially when I have moments or days of doubt, fear, impatience, loneliness, uneasiness, etc.

  1. Music: Every time I listen to one of these songs, it turns my whole day around. I’ve loved driving to school in the morning and listening to the lyrics. These are my favorites right now with my favorite lyrics, but honestly there are so many more songs that have been speaking so much truth and encouragement to me. The cool thing has been that the right one always seems to pop up in my playlist when I need it most. I highly encourage you to go listen to them!

Captain by Hillsong United

Through waters uncharted my soul will embark

I’ll follow Your voice straight into the dark

And if from the course You intend

I depart

Speak to the sails of my wandering heart


Reckless Love by Cory Asbury

Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God

Oh, it chases me down, fights ‘til I’m found, leaves the ninety-nine


There’s no shadow You won’t light up

Mountain You won’t climb up

Coming after me

There’s no wall You won’t kick down

Lie You won’t tear down

Coming after me


Forgive by Trevor Hall

Forgiveness is for giving

So give yourself this gift from time to time

And let all of your mistakes become all of your greatest gifts in disguise


  1. Community: I am just so amazed by the amazing community that God has given me. From my parents, to friends, to my small group, to people at my church, and my new squad mates, I have a village supporting me! God is teaching me to just be. Be with people and soak up the goodness that is getting to have relationships with people from all walks of life. I am especially thankful for the way in which I am seeing my church working to integrate different generations by putting together groups of eight for dinner and practicing hospitality or having my youth group be hosted by a couple from the church that we would not normally get to spend time with. I have loved the conversations that I am having about faith with my parents and friends. Something small on a day to day basis, but also so significant and impactful!

  1. Love Does by Bob Goff: I am about a third of the way through this book right now, but with every page I turn, I am learning something new. It is a great example of how love should look and it puts it into perspective in a practical and everyday sense. The big idea is that love is something that involves sacrifice and presence. Love Does. Here are some of my favorite quotes thus far:

“Almost every time I type in the word love, it gets changed to the word live… loving and fully living are not only synonymous but the kind of life that Jesus invited us to be part of.”

“While painful at the time, I can see now, many years later when I look in the rearview mirror of my life, evidence of God’s tremendous love and unfolding adventure for me.”

“He made us so we are dependent on Him, our parents, and each other. The whole thing is designed so we try again and again until we finally get it right. And the whole time He is endlessly patient.”

The biggest takeaway from this last month has been that He meets me exactly where I am and He gives me comfort or whatever else I might be needing at that moment. He has shown Himself to me through songs, interactions I have, books, movies, sermons and club talks, and spending time outside in His creation. The amazing thing about this though, is that I know He doesn’t just do this for me! He does this for each and every person, we just have to choose to intentionally seek Him. When we seek, we see.



One response to “Seeking In Simplicity”

  1. Elena, I love this post. I especially like your reference to Bob Goff’s quote about looking in the rear view mirror of his life as evidence of God’s love and “unfolding adventure.”

    There are so many places in the Bible where people are called to remember the past, often in the context of reminding them of the goodness God has caused to occur. This teaches us the importance of doing just that — and you are now soon to embark on a journey that will certainly add to the memories of His goodness you’ve already gathered. Sweet!

    I also appreciate your honestly about the challenges with your personal faith, because we should all feel comfortable in just keeping it real with each other. How can community be authentic if we can’t openly share our struggles, especially as they relate to what we just aren’t finding answers to?

    To your point about being more attentive and intentional in seeking Him, this is such a huge part of pleasing God and having a life so wonderfully fulfilled.

    As we are taught it’s impossible to please God without faith (the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen), I’d say it’s no coincidence our reward in diligently seeking Him is referenced so closely with believing He exists (check Hebrews 11:1-6). In other words, in my experience — I’d say seeking Him feeds into believing Him – and in His existence.

    I’m excited for you! Keely and I will be praying for you and rooting for you in the months to come. Keep believing… and writing!